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Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry is a program within the Student Life office that stewards the spiritual needs of the Cristo Rey community. This includes the spiritual care and health of each individual’s journey to LOVE GOD, LOVE SELF, and LOVE OTHERS. Campus Ministry affirms and upholds the mission of Cristo Rey Philadelphia as a "Catholic school for students of all faiths," by providing holistic, intentional programming based on the pillars of prayer, community and formation. We steward and develop holistic transformation and a sense of purpose in students through inclusive prayer services, retreats, formation, WIN classes, Bible Study, and other programming that engages the culture of students, faculty and staff. Campus Ministry believes that when young people do not have a sense of their own identity and calling, if they don't have an idea of who they are and what they are here on Earth to do, the world will tell them who they are and what to do and this can leader to a misled lifestyle. Therefore, it is Campus Ministry's end goal within the mission to aid our students with gaining for themselves a sense of identity and calling, along with faith and a consideration of God. In this, young people can go on to live a life of purpose, on purpose, and for a purpose. 



Sometimes we get so caught up in waiting for that 'thunderbolt from heaven' that we miss the simple results of God's friendship which are all around us.
Junior Insight


Retreats at Cristo Rey Philadelphia are an integral piece of the spiritual growth of our students.